Friday, June 26, 2009

Vitka UMC Construction Project

Our construction team (Estelle, Kevin, Susan and Wick) finished the third day of working on the Vitka UMC sanctuary. The project involves plastering all the walls and the ceiling of the worship center. Today we finished plastering the ceiling and began sanding the walls. Tomorrow we hope to finish sanding the walls and ceiling, so the church will be ready for worship on Sunday. One of the highlights of this project is our daily lunch prepared by the church members. One our favorite lunches was sausage and mashed potatoes with Estonian mustard, which would put any Texas spicy mustard to shame. We have two desserts and fresh, home-grown strawberries everyday. The best part is getting to know our new Estonian friends. Tiit, who has an awesome singing voice and beautiful heart, has been with us daily. Not only is he an immense help from the construction stand point, he serenades us while we work. Malais, the father of one our campers, spent his holiday helping. Margos, who is a graduate student and works from the Estonian Ministry of Culture, spent two of his vacation days helping us plaster the sanctuary. Please pray that we finish preparing the sanctuary in time for services on Sunday as our whole team will be attending along with the local congregation.